Free mind mapping online tool

Create and share mind maps for studying, work, and everything in between.

Create your mind map

Add image, text, links, Youtube videos, and more.

Visually organize items on the canvas to show your thinking.

Publish your mind maps to share with others or keep them private.

How to create a mind map for studying

Open Sane
down arrow icon

Head to

Create a new mind map
down arrow icon

Create a space, fill in a description, and choose whether to make it public or private.

Add items to the canvas
down arrow icon

Click to create images, text, links, documents, and more. The internet is your oyster.

Visually organise
down arrow icon

Connect ideas, show relations between concepts, and visually organize the canvas to reflect how your mind works.

Share privately or publish to web
down arrow icon

Publish your mind map to share your knowledge with others, or share as a unique link directly with friends.

Make a mind map